
Discover what's holding you back from confidence

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Build your inner defense so youre able to MAXIMIZE FAILURE instead of letting failure crush you.


Being mentally prepared when faced with your next strike out is crucial! 

Learn how to position your mental game so that with every pitch, stride, or tackle, you’re able to defend every play.

As a young elite athlete, it’s easy to feel the pressure of always needing to be number one. Your team is counting on you. Your coach trained you. Your parents are rooting for you.

Then, inevitably, you strike out. You fall down. You miss your mark.

But your disappointments, setbacks, or defeat do not define who you are.

You have a choice to get back up.

Inside Defense Club, you will learn how to build your inner defense—your mental and emotional game—to maximize failure and become the resilient elite athlete you were made to be!

I want to build my inner defense

This is a platform that was primarily made to:

  • Provide structure to mental training
  • Introduce kids to the concept of the mental game and reduce the stigma of seeking outside help later in their careers
  • Have important, yet overlooked, conversations that coaches have a hard time covering in physical practice
  • Address the emotional component of sport and acknowledge the connection to mental health
  • Create connection in topics and situations that otherwise create isolation

“Whether it was through Morgan’s stories or skill-building courses, Defense Club has been unbelievably helpful in every aspect of my training. My biggest takeaway is being able to connect my mental game with fundamental glove work. I finally stopped distracting myself from the concepts & mechanics of the game because without it, you can’t have consistency. And consistency is key.

As Morgan summarized, ‘Elite athletes are great because they do the small things amazingly well and they have mastered their approach to the game. They continue to learn.’ It’s a statement that collectively expresses everything that Defense Club has given me: the discipline to hustle.

— Alex, High School Athlete

What would it feel like to confidently have mental toughness and complete resilience in your game—even through the failures? 

As an elite athlete, mental defense isn’t an option; it’s your #1 priority. Because when you master your inner defense, you also master your:

Game-Day Strategies

You recover faster because you won’t let a moment-in-time define your future. You don’t worry about your stats; you focus on your stamina.

And when you fall, you’re not alone.
Defense Club is a monthly membership filled with connection, conversation, and courses all designed to enhance your mindset as an elite athlete and advance your skills to better prepare yourself both on and off the field!

Yes, we ALL deal with failure. It’s how you defend against it and grow even stronger from it that matters most. With the right mindset, strategies, and mental toughness, you’ll be able to overcome whatever life throws at you.

Questions? Check our FAQ!

Pick Your Membership


$17 each month

Start with the Basics and add on courses that will help most!

Choose this if…

  • You want your athlete to be introduced to mental concepts but not overwhelmed by all the choices of courses
  • You want your athlete to try this kind of learning out before investing in more. You can always upgrade later!

Tell me more about this membership

Advanced Training

$37 each month

You see the value of mental training and you’re ready for your athlete to dive in!

Choose this if…

  • You want the most bang for your buck! All released mental courses are included in your membership (except for the sport-specific courses)
  • You want more access to instructors with the additional monthly video conference per month
Show me all the courses I get

Sport-Specific Training

$149 then $37/month after

You want to hear specific techniques and words of advice from someone who has been in your athlete’s shoes.

Choose this if…

  • You see a sport on the list that your athlete plays!
  • You want the most Defense Club has to offer
Show me more on sport-specific training

If you selected Basic Membership, these would be courses you could add on. For Advanced And Sport-Specific Members, these courses are included in your membership.

Mind Eye Coordination

$97 one time payment

Our first ADVANCED course – automatically available to all Advanced Members and available for purchase to Basic Members for $97.

Mind Eye Coordination is a 6-week intensive course breaking down how we react to failure. If we can control how we react, we are able to focus on what matters most: our effort and attitude in our very next step.

This will be a SIX WEEK COURSE complete with:

  • Videos guiding you through each week
  • A progression of skills that will improve your Mind-Eye
  • Worksheets & downloadable PDFs

Myths of Confidence

$59 one time payment

Our second Advanced Course – automatically available to all Advanced Members and available for purchase to Basic Members for $59.

Learn where your confidence comes from and gain a better understanding what gets in the way of the work we do on our insides.

This course includes:

  • Video breakdown of 5 myths we believe about confidence that hold us back
  • Lessons to understand where YOUR confidence really comes from
  • Ways to build healthy habits moving forward

EMA Mindfulness Workshop

$59 one time payment

This four week mindfulness course will help athletes develop self-awareness skills through a methodical, research-based process to help train them to stay in the present moment, which can help them both on and off the field.

A structured Mindfulness practice helps individuals take greater control over their thoughts, feelings/emotions and physical states so that they can set the conditions that can enhance overall quality of performance.


Mental Health Meets the Mental Game with Katie Cheadle


Katie Cheadle is a Mindfulness Based Psychotherapist and Performance Coach who always is a former athlete. Here, she has developed a course that brings multiple important issues to light as they are relevant to athletes and their mental health.

Defense Club is meant to be a resource to help strengthen your mental game. In light of the difficulties some athletes are facing off the field, we wanted to make this course free to make the information more available.